Cai Lun (Ts'ai Lun) inventor of Paper Materials

Biografy Cai Lun (Ts'ai Lun) inventor of Paper Materials

  • Cai Lun (Ts'ai Lun) Inventor of paper Materials-who is the person who first of all find the paper? Perhaps if this question posed to us, yet surely we can answer with certainty, or even not at all unthinkable about this, even though almost every day we use paper. 
  • Ts'ai Lun inventor of paper materials likely is a name that is foreign to our ears. Considering how pentingya his discovery, is it any wonder people despise themWest. Not a few large encyclopedia does not list his name. This is really outrageous. Traced from the significance of the paper uses very langkanya Ts'ai Lun touted the supposition can cause lest Ts'ai Lun a figure erratic and untrustworthy or no. But the investigation carefully prove with absolute clear that Ts'ai Lun it really exists and is not a type of genie in fairy tales.
viem image for Cai Lun

  • He was a civil servant at the Royal Court in the year 105 Ad offered the example of paper to Emperor Ho Ti. The Chinese invention of Ts'ai Lun (as there is in the writing of the official history of the Han dynasty) completely frankly or trustworthy, without the slightest smell-the smell of the magi or fairy tales. The Chinese people always connect the name of Ts'ai Lun with the inventor of paper and the name is famous throughout China. 
  • Not much is known about the life of Ts'ai Lun, except there's that people call him kebirian. The emperor also recorded very girang with the invention of Ts'ai Lund he40s make it promoted, could be knighted and by itself so brokers BLI. But later he was involved in the plot to drag Palace anti fall. Chinese records mention sesudakhe disepak, Ts'ai Lun bath clean-up, wearing her dress is beautiful, then SIP a poison.
  • The use of paper extends throughout China in the 2nd century, and in just a few centuries China was already considered capable of exporting paper to the Asian countries 
  • A long time ago the Chinese Sphinx how to manufacture paper. In 751, what a prostitute, some paper-making experts captive by Arabs, so that within a brief paperwas produced in Baghdad and Sarmarkand. Paper-making technique spread throughout the Arab world and the new in the 12th century the Europeans learned this technique. After that the wearing of paper began to spread and after Gutenberg found modern printing machines, paper replaces the position of goat skin as a means of writing in the West.

  • Now the use of the paper so it is generally so that no one was able to imagine what kind of a world without paper. In China before the invention of Ts'ai Lun generally books made from bamboo. Of course the book of sorts that would avail in theheavy and clunky. There is also a book made of silk but the price is very expensivefor the public. Whereas in the West, before there was a paper, a book written on the skin of goats or cattle. This material as a substitute for papyrus that is favoredby the likes of Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Good leather or papyrus not only includes some rare items but also the price is difficult.
The relic image Paper for Cai Lun ;

  • Now, whether the book was either the stuff other writings can be produced cheaply and simultaneously in a massive amount. This is all thanks to the presence of paper. Indeed, the significance of the paper is not so prominent in the absence of the printing press, but otherwise not much meaning in the absence of a paper material so much and so cheap 
  • After Westerners began to use paper, they were able to sit face to face with China,even successfully narrowed its gap cultural. Marco Polo's writings emphasized the belief that even in the 13th century Ce Chinese were far above Europe in terms ofprosperity. However, why is the next China is behind Europe? Various assessmentsthat cultural detail has been tried, but maybe a simple technology observations are able to find the answer. In the 15th century in Europe, a genius named Johan Gutenberg discovered a way of producing as many books. Due to the discovery of European culture, it is progressing rapidly. Because it does not have a person such as the Gutenberg, China remained on the printing blocks so that development of the system of kulturnya crawl more slowly.
view image the manufacture of paper at a time when traditional 

  • Ts'ai Lun are most of the other inventions for several reasons. Generally finds a product of its time and can also happen even if the person who found it downright never live at all. But, in these circumstances is simply not applicable on the issue of the paper. The Europeans did not start producing paper thousands of years after the Ts'ai Lun. They have open minds and produced the paper after learning processes from the Arabs. 
  • In the above relationships, even those already witnessed how the Chinese manufacture of paper, other Asian Nations have never had the capability of producing it. So it is obvious, the discovery of how to manufacture paper is not an easy job, could not be granted exercised by the developed all-round cultural responsibility, but rather intimately connected with the contribution of individuals who have outstanding advantages. Ts'ai Lun is a model of that kind of people, and how to make a paper he did basically the same as what is done now


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