Learn the world Educational version (UNESCO)

Learn the world Educational version   (UNESCO)

As we know, when this happens very quickly in the development of various aspects of life, both in the fields of politics, economy, culture, defense, communications and so on have an impact to the world of education and learning. In connection with it, UNESCO in its report Learning: The Treasure Within (1996) convey the presence of a number of controversial challenges that must be faced by way of balancing between the demands of the global with the local, individual, consideration with universal long term and short term, traditional with the modern, between the spiritual  material needs etc.

The challenge is universal it is also universally be faced. In the world of learning, to face the various challenges it, UNESCO gives the recipe in the form of what is called the four pillars of learning: learning to learn (learning to know), learning to work (learning to do), learning to live together (learning to live together), and studied to become a whole person (learning to be). Learn to be a whole person is a target of the end of the process study in happy

 Learning according to UNESCO:

  •  Learning to learn (Learning to Know)

Learn to find out it was related to the acquisition, mastery and knowledge utilization. Learn to know how well understood by UNESCO and the purpose of human existence. This is in accordance with your discernment of Jacques Delors (1966) as Chairman of the compilers of the report Learning: The Treasure Within, which declared the existence of the two knowledge, i.e. knowledge benefits as the way, the meaning/meanings (means) and knowledge as a result or purpose. 

As a way of life, the inevitability of linked that man is indeed obliged to understand the world around him, at least in accordance with the fulfillment of their needs to be a creature who has honor and confidence, developing  skills, as well as to communicate with others. In terms of goals, learning to know aims to provide customer satisfaction due to the acquisition of knowledge, understanding, and satisfaction through the finds independently.

  • Learn to know implicates against  the concept of learning about how to learn,

 by developing the whole potential concentration, skills learners remember and prowess to think. According  since babies, young children should learn how to concentrate against an object and others. The process to improve the skills of the concentrate can be manifested in various ways and can be aided by a variety of different learning opportunities, which appeared in all his life.
The development of skills for remembering is a superior vehicle for tackling a rich stream of instant information disseminated by many media at the moment. Dangerous if we conclude that a tremendous flow of information the number it does not need to be solved with increased skills in recalling. Human skills in the specific associative  this should not be reduced solely by the presence of process automation, but should always be carefully in develop

Meanwhile, thinking the child learned something related, first from his parents, then from their teacher. This thought process should be linked to practical problem solving skills mastered as well as grow the abstract thinking. Therefore learning as an educational practice should be able to guide the students to master the synergistically deductive reasoning while inductive reasoning that there are in fact quite adifferent process direction. Reflective thinking skills is important to train the children complete the problems of life. Learning to think is lifelong learning, someone who is always ready to always think, for his life will not experience boredom due to face the inevitability of routines
The concept of learning to do this is related to the principal question, how do wead apt education so that it is able to equip students to be able to apply the lesson that results in everyday life. In terms of education work, education is expected to prepare the students related to two things. First, economic-related industry, where workers earn wages from his job. Secondly, that is a business that we know as entrepreneur, graduates of the school set up the type of his work himself and the test self, in the spirit of entrepeneur ship.
A thing that should be noted and implemented well in learning curriculum in schools, since the second half of the 20th century ago there has been a large shift in the world of industry. If it used to focus more on the physical work environment to manufacturing, then the times are now more focused on services. This work is increasingly required by developing rapid information and communication technology, especially with the development of Automation so that the need of jobs ' don't look ' the more mushrooming.

  • Learn to work is the study or practice of mastering the skills and competency of the work. 

So according to the concept of a UNESCO study of this type relating to the polytechnic education. In its development, world business/industry demanded that soon after graduating, the students were ready learners entering employment, so there should be a link between the school and the match with the corporate world. Meaning, the school is obligated to prepare a wide range of basic skills need to be ready to work.

The skills and competencies of the work should be controlled by students, in line with the demands of the development of the industrialized world is indeed higher, not just on the level of skill the competence of technical or operational work, but even with professional competence. As the rapid development of the world of entrepreneurship, education and learning is claimed to be able to prepare graduates who are ready to fill in the informal sector, it means learning should be able to develop the student's innovation of the soul.

  • Learning to live together (Learning to Live Together)

to more image to learn live together

Learning to live together, hinted at the inevitability of the interaction of various groups and groups in the life of a perceived global narrows due to advances in communications technology and information. Communication between man between the two parts of the world now in a count of seconds. In order to be able to interact, communicate, share, and work together, live together, mutually appreciative in equality since small children must be trained, conditioned coexist. Children should 
learn a lot from living together peacefully, especially in the realms of the multicultural Indonesia and multi it so that they are ordinary socializing since the beginning.

Throughout history, human beings are constantly acquiring threat from various conflicts, but the risk of the conflict was currently facing the higher mainly because of two factors cause. First, the potential for ruining that developed from the man himself, and this proved in the 20th century. In the 20th century lasted two world wars,World War I and World War II that destroyed humanity, killing millions of humans, causing a global misery and suffering. The cause of the second, the development of the media information that was exceptional, sophisticated so that news of conflict in various parts of the Earth this quickly is widespread, and this has affected human beings, unfortunately quite the negative influences of this kind most easily imitated.
In connection with the above, a fundamental question arises. Can we do better? Can we educate yourself to avoid conflict or we resolve conflicts peacefully? Can we coexist peacefully in order to obtain the benefit of the joint? And he said, certainly with the continuous efforts that are not doing tireless and relentless despair through the world of education.

Learn to be an intact human requires learning objectives are designed and implemented in such a way, so that students become human, plenary. An intact man is thoroughly human aspects of his personality developed optimally and balanced, both aspects of devotion towards God, intellectual, emotional, social, physical, or moral.Balanced in intelligence the intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual intelligence.

For the above achieve
 required individuals who learn a lot in developing all aspects of his personality. In this regard, they should seek a lot of excellence (being excellence). Excellence is reinforced and supported a strong moral. A strong moral compulsory enlistment of faith which is expected to guide the learner to learn to appreciate other people, tolerant of other people's rights, and understand that life along with various types of race, tribe, color of skin, language, traditions and culture is a necessity that cannot be avoided.

In summary the learners should be able to find others, as part of itself. Think of this kind of ties will be further strengthened if the child already conditioned from a young, trained, faced with the situation, that human beings around the world this should indeed heading to General purpose together, namely the achievement of the conditions of the world a prosperous, secure, just, prosperous in equality and mutual respect.


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